A Full Moon Lunar eclipse occurs on March 25, 2024. This is a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse at 12:53:16 AM EST. It is called the Worm Moon, named after the earthworms that signal thawing grounds. The duration of this eclipse is 4 hours and 39 minutes, from beginning to end.
This Lunar eclipse is in the sign of Libra, the sign of relationships. Libra is ruled by Venus, so we want to find out where Venus is located at this time. Venus is at 16 degrees of Pisces, where it is in exaltation – its best, most artistic position, representing compassion, creativity, and enjoyment of life. Saturn promises stability to any contracts or negotiations made during this time, as it is three degrees away from Venus, also in Pisces. Venus trines Jupiter, which is traveling in Taurus, bringing abundance, positivity, and pleasure.
The Sun in Aries opposes the Moon and encourages us to be active and make changes. Aries is an active, fiery sign that cannot wait and requires action. This opposes what the Moon in Libra asks for: peace, harmony, and balance.
Most of the time, Lunar eclipses bring endings, culminations, and conclusions. While they can bring separations, it’s important to ask one important question: Is your relationship stable or shaky? Are you happy, or do you need to negotiate and improve your relationship? If you’re happy and have no problems, why worry? But if you feel that your relationship, either personal or business, is going nowhere or has many problems, then you need to think about how to stabilize or improve it. It’s a choice, and you have to decide how to act. Libra, represented by the scales, requires us to weigh the good and difficult parts of the relationship and find balance and solutions to our problems.
This Lunar eclipse brings positive, transformational changes, as Pluto makes a very good aspect to this Full Moon, helping us to grow, eliminate what isn’t working, and develop our partnerships for the best of all involved.
If you want to understand better what to expect with the Libra Lunar eclipse, you can go back to October 2023, where two eclipses took place: a New Moon Solar eclipse in Libra on October 14 and a Full Moon in Taurus on October 28. Remember what happened at this time, as themes that were hot and unsolved may need your attention now.
This is a karmic time connected to the past, with something we know but have not solved. It can bring ends and culminations if we decide that it’s best for both sides. Some conflicts may escalate and trigger more struggles, as both the Sun and Mercury are in the fiery sign of Aries. On the other side of the zodiac is the peaceful Libra moon, which likes to compromise in the name of peace and harmony. One may have to compromise, and the other may have to accept the new structure or rules. Either way, changes or shifts must take place to continue.
The eclipse of the same group, Libra/Aries, occurred at the end of 2004, 2005, and 2006. Do you remember the major shifts that took place at this time? Even more, go back to April 1987, when we had a Lunar eclipse in Libra on the south node, the same as what is going to happen now. Perhaps you remember what you did during this time, the activities that took place throughout 1987? Yes, this is the last time the Lunar eclipse conjunct-ed the south node in Libra. In 2005 and 2006, the lunar eclipse conjunct-ed the North node, requiring action and quick decisions. Now, we have to be more diplomatic and think for both sides. Libra is the sign of partnership, and the Lunar eclipse is pointing to the Dragon’s tail, where the North node points to the Dragon’s head. This is why when an eclipse conjuncts the north node (The Dragon’s head), like the one that will occur on April 8, a New Moon Solar eclipse – they require action and are more direct.
The eclipse of Libra/Aries will continue, and we may see further developments in October this year and April 2025.
Remember, if the eclipse conjuncts the South node, we need to go deep, grow emotionally and spiritually. Think about what you want, what your life purpose is, and whether you’re going in the right direction. What can you change for the good of the partnership? This eclipse brings up questions: What is most important to you? What do you value most? Maybe you have to let go of something to keep what you value most. Life requires us to surrender something to keep what is valuable, sustainable, and long-lasting.
A new life path, a new career, or the decision to leave our house and relocate to another state or country may arise because of a better job offer. There can be offers that you have to accept, but in order to do so, you need to say goodbye to the past and continue in the new direction, which may not be very clear yet. But this is what eclipses do – they bring shaking events or circumstances, or news that require constructive changes with wisdom and intellect. We need to think and decide, to be gentle towards others as well as towards ourselves, and make the right choice – do I have to say goodbye to the old, or do I want to stay in the same spot without growing up and evolving in my life? This eclipse calls us to let go and learn how to negotiate, how to be in partnerships, how to be equal, and have fair relationships.
Margarita Ivanova- Gita