The planet of communication, Mercury, the Lord of Gemini and Virgo travels in the sign of Libra since August 31st 2021. Mercury will start it is retrograde cycle on September 27.2021, at 25 degrees of Libra. Libra is the sign of relationships and Mercury will spend unusual long time in Libra, it moves Direct on October 19 at 10 degrees of Libra to stay here until November 5th; then, on November 6th, Mercury will move to emotional, determine, passionate water sign of Scorpio.
We need to review, revise, and reconsider many conversations and ideas during Mercury retrograde. Likewise, if we are feeling confused, or unsure of the meaning of things, this could be a very good time to stop doing what we do and look from different perspective. When we admit to confusion, we can open to new guidance and possibilities presented through our intuition, or find assistance and direction through counselling.
What to expect when Mercury travels in Libra? Mercury retrograde in the sign of partnership sign Libra, ruled by Venus, the planet of love, harmony and beauty. It can help revise our relationship with old issues to bring about greater resolution. Since Libra is an air sign, we will be most effective by remaining flexible and alert while penetrating relational dynamics, gaining increased realization for adjustments that need to be made. While there may be some quickly moving currents of change to navigate, by the end of Mercury’s retrograde time, we can recover a revitalized presence focused upon making steady progress on our goals. Don’t be surprised if the things get massy before they get better, expect miscommunication and misunderstanding. To save the peace and keep the communication open, count until ten before you say something, don’t criticize, don’t use words that may feel sorry later. Libra signs are flexible, they love peace and harmony, following the Libra rules, we can stay out of trouble. Having open communication and compromises, we can save our relationship and family coordination.
The good news is, after 5 months in Retrograde cycle, Saturn will turn Direct on October 10, then on October 18, Jupiter will move forward, too. Both travel in the sign of Aquarius, a friend of Libra and now, with Mercury in Libra they will make a great impact, influence our vision, future plans and dreams come true. We can expect after October 19, when Mercury goes Direct to see result of five months’ efforts, relationships and partnerships finally finding new solution and improvement.
Mercury Retrograde will have strong impact on Libra, Capricorn, Aries and Gemini.
Mercury retrograde in Libra can ultimately bring about a total rebirth of the sign of Libra and it is life purpose, they will have to pass through intense experiences of releasing out-of-date aspects of their identity. The more they can clear and eliminate the outworn, during the first half of the retrograde, the better Libra will be able to open more fully to new desires. It is a purifying time, use it wisely to clear your path.
It will be challenging time for Capricorn, as the Sun and Mercury both will squares your Capricorn Sun. You are an earth and inflexible sign, you can become attached to your routines and resist making major changes. Keep in mind, it will be important for you to move as gracefully as possible with the currents that will be reshaping your life. In particular, you will need to rethink the role you have been playing in public, as well in your career. Authority figures may have many demands, you need to adjust at home and at work. Finding balance is the key.
Aries can have a few tests, as Libra Sun and Mercury both opposite your Sun in Aries. The three-week period of Mercury being retrograde in Libra will bring instability into your relationships that will reshape your vision for the role you desire to play in society. You will become drawn toward the people in your life who share your aspirations and with whom you can collaborate on shared goals. Be mindful of your communication with others, especially when frustrated so that you do not create unnecessary conflicts. Make an extra effort to listen to the deeper meaning behind the messages you receive from others.
Gemini will benefit most, as Mercury and Sun from Libra make wonderful trine to your Sun in Gemini; also, Saturn and Jupiter from Aquarius, combined with Mercury make grand trine- a stabilizing and rewarding for you astrological aspect. October will be exciting period for experimenting with new ways to creatively express yourself. Make it a priority to be as inventive as possible, actively seeking out new sources of inspiration to discover.
For more information and personal consultation, call Gita: 773-414 9756.