A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Cancer at 19 degrees occurs this Friday, January 10.2020. The same evening, Uranus, the planet of revolution and surprises, the one that comes unexpectedly to our day to shakes up us with unpredictable eruptions, Uranus starts to move Direct after 5 months sleeping (retro cycle). The Sun, in conjunction to Mercury ( the communicator) opposites the Full Moon Eclipse. On Sunday, January 12, responsible, discipline, structure ruling Saturn, conjunct Pluto, the planet of power and elimination. It is going to be a week to remember, it will be powerful and transforming with these major aspects on the sky. The Full Moon in Cancer on Friday is also a Lunar Eclipse. It is going to be emotional, transformation time.
November 1982 was the last time when Saturn and Pluto met, now to this conjunction, we have Uranus and Full Moon Eclipse in 19 degrees of Cancer, opposing Sun, Mercury, Saturn and Pluto that are visiting serious Capricorn.
These astrology meetings not going to color only the day of the eclipse, January 12, they are already in action and we all know that it is inevitable, just having Uranus that moves direct will fire the flame and make the fire bigger. Literally, the war to start we need to have a big reason, but to begin, we need some unexpected cause/ events to fire up the war. I did not mean, a real war, I meant, a war inside of us, a process that started a year or two ago ( Saturn is in Capricorn for two years), now he is going to meet Pluto; now, it is the Lunar eclipse; also, Uranus, adding flame to the already hot and difficult situation- it can be personal, or professional, or national. We all know well, we have problem and we know, we have to make change, we have to build new stable structure, we need to transform and be more responsible, but it is not easy; it is a global changing event that have to be accepted. How? With a lot of new responsibility, with more devotion and love, with elimination of all unnecessary people or activity that stay in our way to the progress.
Now, the Moon eclipse and Uranus wakes up us and fire up, now, we finally understand that it is the end of cycle; we have no chance of escape, we have to enter the new path- with devotion and hard work. Some have to be separated from people or activities, others have to let go of the past. We know very well, we are not feel comfortable, but we afraid of the unknown; of the change; again, l we prefer to stay in this position because we are familiar with, we know how to handle it. Sorry, it is a time, like it, or not, we have to move on, because the evolution start with changes, no matter how hard or painful it is. In order to continue and to grow, we need to eliminate everything that blocks up our road and stales our life. We are going to think and act differently, as new developments become more broadminded, new revolutionary people are entering our lives and lead us to the light. We may not see the end of the tunnel right now, but remember, it is for our good , for our growth and evolution.
In essence this is the beginning of a new cosmic cycle that emphasizes the Capricorn values of responsibility and purpose. With the Sun and Mercury close by, this new beginning is likely to have profound effects on our thinking and communication and the way we see our identities.
Capricorn is a slow, systematic, deliberate, and strategic sign. It may takes a few years to see the results, since we just starting to plant the seeds. Pluto is slow moving too, expect the same slow process. The world changes and so should our ideas and interpretations about cosmic events.
Do you want to see where you need to change and develop? Look at your astrology Natal chart and find out in which house Saturn and Pluto meet. Don’t believe everything you read in internet, look at your own chart- this is your map, as you may actually have great aspect and Saturn and Pluto may help you to transform your life in a good, positive way, as they both a master builder of structure and foundation and transformation.
It is a time for taking responsibility, being compassionate, devoted, living a life with purpose, helping family or humanity, saving the earth. Think of these global issues, ask yourself: which area of my life needs improvement and how to contribute to have peaceful and clean planet?
Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn are demanding, they will push you to the direction that you have to work, as Saturn will squeeze you and Pluto will transform you, you may feel uncomfortable for a while, but it is for you, me, for everyone around- for our good.
We expect to work and have changes in organizational structure, especially in businesses, governments and financial institutions. Uranus in Taurus may bring changes to Real estate and major financial institutions. There is a lot to expect when considering the heavy planetary alignments. Being grounded, practical, honest, trustworthy; less manipulative, more giving; more dedication to our goal can takes slowly by steady to reach our goals.
We don’t often understand or foresee how events in our lives will lead us to exactly where we need to be. However, we can be trusting of the process, knowing we are spiritual beings having a physical experience. Adopting the attitude of the student and/or the child we can be open, flexible, and excited about the opportunities that continue to open up before us. All those planets in Capricorn are calling out to be intentional and purposeful in our thoughts, choices and behavior.
Take your time, no rush, step by step, slowly, but constantly, these are Saturn’s lessons. If you work thoroughly, hard and purposely, after this process is over, you will be rewarded, as Saturn is known to leave a big bucket with flower or gifts by the door, when he leaves the house he is traveling through. Saturn will leave Capricorn and enters Aquarius-by December 18. 2020, this is the time when this cycle end. Fold your sleeves and prepare to work. The progress and rewards will be with everyone who follows Saturn rules, who is able to let it go of the past and unnecessary baggage, who are ready to grow up and make a difference in his world, as well is for the humanity.
For more information and personal consultation, contact
Margarita Ivanova- Gita