October 2023- The Eclipses season
October is the eclipse’s season, as we are going to witness two major eclipses- a Solar eclipse in Libra on October 14 and Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on October 28.
Solar and lunar eclipses take place every 6 months, and each one carries a specific theme. Some bring blessings and insights, others reveal mistake or errors that require correction. But all of them will show us what lies in the shadow of our own life and wants to be seen. The eclipses are our wild cards, they bring surprises and shocking news, they bring revelation, secrets are revealed, we find ourselves in the fork of the road, we have to take important decisions and life choices.
A solar or lunar eclipse is one of the most impressive natural phenomena that can be observed in the heavens. In the past, eclipses were sometimes seen as an omen for troubled times or impending disaster. A light-devouring demon or dragon was blamed for the spectacular eclipse of the Sun.
Today, now that we know how solar and lunar eclipses are caused, we no longer need to fear that light is fundamentally endangered. However, during an eclipse, the Sun and the Moon, the two central lights of a horoscope, form a unique relationship. Therefore, we attach great importance to the symbolic battle between light and darkness.
We understand the geometry of an eclipse as the place where the Sun, Moon and earth come together. We marvel at their visual appearance as they bring us moments of heavenly wonder and beauty. This beauty is a play of light and dark between the two great heavenly lights, the Sun and the Moon. At a total solar eclipse, the Moon obliterate the Sun, visually becoming a black disc ray by solar flares. At a lunar eclipse, the bright full Moon moves through the shadow of the earth, losing its light and sometimes becoming blood colored.
At the early practice of astrology, each eclipse was viewed differently, and some were thought to bring difficulties to the kingdom, while others brought blessings. Each eclipse belongs to a unique cycle and each cycle varies in its meaning. We only meet each eclipse cycle once every 18.5 years.
Every six months when an eclipse occurs it engages with our horoscope through being located in different houses and aspects, and it also adds its unique cycle’s meaning into our life. Some eclipse cycles continue to bring blessings and insights, while others uncover cracks and faults that may have been papered over for years. All, however, will reveal to us what lies in the shadows of our life or in our thinking. All of them show the dark within the light through infinite of different lenses.
The periods in the year when eclipses happen are known as eclipse seasons. The eclipse season of October 2023 contains two eclipses, first a New Moon Solar eclipse on 14 October 2023 at 21 degrees of Libra and then, a Full Moon/ lunar eclipse occurs on 28 October 2023 at 5 degrees of Taurus. We will start to experience the influence of these eclipses any time from around a month before the season starts, in September 2023, until end of November 2023. During the last eclipse in Taurus- The Full Moon Lunar eclipse in Taurus on October 28, may bring shocking news within the next six months, where the New moon Solar eclipses in Libra on October 14.2023 can bring new events and development until March 2025, as the north node changed it is position to Aries sign this summer and eclipses of Moon and Sun (north and south node) alternates in Aries and Libra until the spring of 2025.
A month of a fate, transformation, radical changes and let it go.
October is going to be very crucial month for every one of us, as two eclipses going to influence different part of our life, depends on the house that the eclipse takes place. Prepare to be transformed, to make radical changes, to reevaluate personal and professional relationships. As I said, transformed, I mean it, as the planet of power and transformation, Pluto turns direct on October 11, after it is begin retro cycle on May02.2023. It is going to play huge role and color the eclipses, as it make clashing aspects with major planets and returns for the last time to USA Natal Pluto position.
A New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra 21 degrees, October 14.2023, it conjuncts the south node in the sign of Libra and this is why I can say, it is connected to our past events, life or action. It is not going to repeat in the same order, but we may recall these events or people, remember the lesson we had or we may need to heal and let it go, as we need to take new life direction, new career, new partnership; we may need to let go of old habits, people from the past in order to continue, as we must be reborn gain. Pluto moving direct will unveil the truth. Pluto is the planet that reveals all the secrets and corruption, it asks to look honestly on every aspect of our life and make radical change in order to be reborn and to continue. We can not proceed without removing the weeds that stay in a way of our growth. We may need, like the snake to change 13 skins in order to become who we want to become. This eclipse going to change the life of these of us who have planets between 25-29 degrees of cardinal signs: Aries, Libra, Capricorn and Cancer, as Pluto going to make challenging aspects with these signs. We have to let go of the past, to heal old wound or sacrifice something in order to get something else.
Fork on the road. New light on relationships. Set intentions, plant a new seeds.
Libra is the sign of relationships, family, personal and business relationships. Libra is the sign of diplomacy, justice, harmony, beauty, love. This eclipses in Libra can bring surprises around legislation, justice, laws and elections. We may feel frustrated, exhausted, on the fork of the road. Remember, Solar eclipses are connected to the Sun, which represent in our astrology chart the man, the father, the boss, the authority figure, new job, new opportunity, new birth, new partnership, new project. The results of our action will come after six month or during the next wear. It is important what kind of seeds we are going to saw. This eclipse brings opportunities to work on our relationship’s issues, to find balance in personal and professional life, to improve our communication with others, especially significant ones. You may feel the energy of the eclipse even a month earlier or a month later, it depends on your birthday.
As Mars is in the sign of Libra, as well, it is close to the eclipse and fights with Pluto , it can means, some of you may be in war, you may fight with your partner and have difficulty to solve the conflict. It can be powerful, with strong energy and desire to control or manipulate others bottle. We may receive news or revelations that are shocking and push us to change our value system or life direction.
Look honestly at your relationship. If can, stay calm, ask for help. Reevaluate your relationships and your actions. Stay focused, show who you really are, be honest with yourself and with others, do not hide your feelings or intention. Stop pleasing others, be who you are. Now is the time to put your cards on the table and to ask your partner to do the same. Ask yourself: What is the truth? What is the most important in your life? Who you are now? What you really value? What your choices are? What I want to create? Who you want to be from now on? Who is the highest version of myself? Demand the truth from others. Observe your behavior and the behavior of others. To take the best decision, postpone your answer for day or two, as we are emotional around the day of the eclipse. Try to bring your energy back, to calm down, meditate, write your dreams in a morning, let your angels guide you, ask them to send you signs, signals or people for help. Keep in mind, you are going to make long term decision, take it seriously. Chose wisely now, it is a dynamic karmic time.
Key words: Open and honest communication with others, clarity and justice. Restore harmony, peace and balance within the family or in the office.
As the Sun, the Moon and Mars, all in Libra opposite Chiron, now in Aries, we can relate to other events from the past (Chiron -the wounded healer), Mercury also opposites Chiron, too. This can be challenging time for our health, as Chiron is in the picture. We Can relate it to January 20.2020 when the Corona virus spread (Pluto conjunct Saturn in Capricorn). It can bring new viruses, it can be a new beginning of health issues, again. Fortunately, the eclipse in Libra conveys a new light on these issues and we can discover new way of healing and protection.
The same events and shocking news that we experience in our personal life, we can witness in the world around us. Pluto return to USA Pluto natal chart going to reveal the corruption and the lies; Pluto is the lord of the underworld, it investigates and go deep to find the truth… they will be no stone untouched in October and November 2023.
A play of light and dark. Choose the light!
A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in October 28, occurs at 5 degrees of the sign of Taurus. It is the last eclipse that marks the end of the Taurus-Scorpio axis, which has been active since 2021. The planet of war, energy and fire, Mars moves to Scorpio on October 13, and Scorpio is the one who digs dip to find the truth, to unveil a secrets and bring them to the light. It is going to influence these that have planets between 2 and 8 degrees of Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius and Leo.
Taurus sign brings the desire for pleasure, security, and comfort to the forefront of everyone’s consciousness. Taurus is the sign about material comforts and living lavishly, expect financial surprises, hidden emotions to surface, and a general sense of uneasiness in our day-to-day, unveiling secrets and revving us into emotional overdrive. Venus, the Taurus ruling planets is connected with money, finances, it is the second house, our value system. We may have surprises, see the end of project that brings culminations, fulfillment of disappointment. It depends of the seeds we plant before, as this is the last one of this group that started 18 months ago. It is a Moon eclipse, it can be stressful time, as it is connected with feelings and emotions. We are in a month of conclusion and resolution of issues that have been in motion for the past 2 years. The practice of detachment and forgiveness will be strongly emphasized during this time, encouraging all to practice self-forgiveness. Furthermore, this Eclipse occurs in conjunction with Jupiter, also traveling in the sign of Taurus, emphasizing the capacity for opportunity, expansion and growth. It may be the time to renew, let go of “dead weight,” and move forward. Jupiter can bring abundance, opportunity, expansion and monetary gain, in personal level, for these who work hard and finish important project during this time.
In the world stage, it looks even more dramatic. I can connect this eclipse with another astrological aspect that happened in January 12.2020- Saturn Pluto conjunction in the sign of Capricorn and the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic time. In the news, at that time, we all heart that this conjunction brought the pandemic time, this is what the media and the politics wanted to tell us. The truth is different. Yes, we significantly changed our way of life in a big way at that moment, but what the virus inquires from us during the pandemic and after pandemic, caused by Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn? It is a global change in all levels: business, governments, large industries, monopolies, politics. My point is that the astrological landscape clearly shows that this current global situation relates to everything, related to “Capricorn” themes to our attention: economics, governments, money, and structures — not medicine or public health. It has brought Capricorn themes that need attention: resource management, economy safety net (absence of it), finances. Here we go, we got to Capricorn’s negative qualities: coldness, lack of empathy, division, differences, extreme hunger for power, greed, rigidity, selfishness. We have many lessons and we see the truth that the pandemic has demonstrated why public health must be prioritized over profit. We acknowledge the fundamental problems in unrestrained capitalism, among the differences of safety net that left hundred of millions extremely vulnerable at a time like this. The pandemic has made it evident that many public hospitals around the world are severely underfunded. To make it short and clear to you, we become witnesses that we at the end of this unfair regimen, we have life that is difficult, we see the economy getting down, resources are disheartening. Why? Because of the greediness, of the desire for control and manipulation, the the growing corruption. The Covid -19 open our eyes to see the truth and to start fighting not just for our life, but also, for our freedom, because we knew that the system is imperfect and should be changed. And Covid-19 was the end of one era that leads to a new one- the era of the Aquarius, and it begins with Pluto entering Aquarius. Before it enters Aquarius in January 2024, Pluto has to finish his job and to make the last change in Capricorn, as it leaves this sign to stay in Aquarius for 20 years. Now, Pluto have to show his qualities and fulfill his mission, as we know Pluto brings regeneration, rebirth, rules life and death, but first, it has to eliminate all weeds that stay in the road for success. Capricorn rules government, corporations, financial system, decentralization, where Pluto in Aquarius demands freedom, decentralization, new technology and brotherhood. Add to this that USA has it is first return to natal Pluto that happen once in 254 years. We are living in this historic time to see these dramatic changes before Pluto enters Aquarius next year. Right now, Pluto is at 27 degrees of Capricorn where Pluto was in July 04.1776, the time USA was established. The north node and south node both are squared by Pluto, a message that we are going to see these dramatic changes in USA. This last eclipse in Taurus notes the end of cycle, as it squares USA north node and happens at the same time of Pluto first return in USA chart.
Pluto wraps up its transit of Capricorn Pluto return that will bring some pretty ugly truths to the surface so we can address what has been swept under the nation’s metaphorical rug. Pluto in Aquarius in 2024 will expose what is rotten (Pluto) in our society (Aquarius) so that we can build a better structure and infrastructure for everyone here on Earth. Pluto in Aquarius will initially expose what is no longer working in our society, because this is how Pluto operates: it purges what’s toxic and no longer needed, and then, builds the new system, the era of the Aquarius.
Add Mars to the picture right now, Mars travels in Scorpio since October 13.2023, it opposites this full moon eclipse and brings warrior mood, revolutionary actions, where big money may be involved (Taurus rules money, finances). Regeneration processes, life and death are the Scorpio attributes. This eclipse is powerful, it carries so much energy, it is challenging and explosive eclipse that makes this eclipse season (October and November) a historic time. It is penumbral lunar eclipse, it conveys ending, culminations and disruptions- there will be no way back- something has to end. It can be connect with Government (Capricorn sign) or the leader of USA. (By the way, Joe Biden’s chart and planets transits show that he is in very difficult time, he has 4 planets in Scorpio and the Lunar eclipse opposites this stellium of planets in Scorpio).
The universe creates events that we need, if we have no power, or we have fears to make changes, the universe is trying to help us to be where we belong, where we deserve to be. It can be painful, but it is for our good. It can be uneasy and unclear where we are going, but have no worry, we need trust the universe; the veil will be removed and we will see the truth. We can see the changes we have been craving for, very soon.
This eclipse challenges us to reflect on the true meaning of peace, stability, and comfort and how to maintain that sense of peace in the face of life’s natural changes. We need to find a stillness, peace and stay positive.
It can be depressive time, for money, for wealth, for investment. Stack market can go down drastically, due to karmic events. Be conservative, because Saturn from Pisces opposites the planet of love and money Venus, now traveling in detail oriented, practical in Virgo. Be practical, be service oriented, see the light and bring a light. Use this time to create something beautiful: sculptures, poetry, ceramic also can be a great expression of the feelings, releasing negative emotions through our hands. We need to comeback to self, to listen to our intuition, to pay attention to our dreams. Writing, painting, meditation can help to to develop our intuitive skills. Stay away from drama, darkness and negativity, stay positive, spend time in the nature and return to yourself, it is only the place you can find peace and harmony. If you have a chance and follow a group, practice group or mass meditation where we can unite our energy with these who want to see the new world.
It is a time of powerful transformation and a new beginning, and this can only be achieved if we declare our desire, if we remain positive, if we bring light into every dark corner, to unite and be able to increase the earth’s energy and change its energy architecture. Only if we come with love from our heart, if we are grateful, we can be helpful to the process of rebirth. Being in the same frequency of love, we can increase the earth’s energy, we can build new life!
Choosing light instead of the dark, we can elevate our energy and vibrations with optimism, gratitude and loving actions. Let love and light be the guiding force to create a beautiful new world, one we dream about, a world where one is for all and all for one.
Margarita Ivanova- Gita
Planets transits in October 2023:
Sun in Libra until October 23
Mercury enters Libra- October 6
Venus enters Scorpio- October 10
Pluto Direct October 11 October
Mars enters Scorpio- 13 of October
New Moon Solar Eclipse 14 degrees in Libra
Mercury enters Scorpio – October 23
Sun enters Scorpio- October 24
Full Moon Eclipse 5 degrees of Taurus- October 28
Saturn Retro between 1 and 0 degrees in Pisces
Uranus Retro -22 degree of Taurus
Neptune Retro 25 degrees in Pisces
Chiron Retro17 degrees in Aries