Do you know that your natal chart is your map that show all your talent and characteristics, it shows in which area of your life you are going to have some problem and where you have good luck and where you are going to have success. It reveals also also what is your value system and what is most important in your life, which means, the same house where we find what you value most defines how you eat and how you enjoy food. In the sixth house, the house of health, we find out your potential health issues. A good astrologer can find the reason why you are overweight, have overeating or emotional eating problem and when is the best time to start a new healthier program to lose weight and improve your outlook and your health.
Keep one thing in your mind, your weight does not determine your worth.
Unless your weight is now a health challenge – the number on the scale doesn’t have to mean much. It doesn’t determine how valuable or lovable you are.
There have been numerous great women and men in history and some in the present, with much more to come in the future, who weigh more or less than their peers. How you see yourself is what matters most. How much you love your self is the other question, very important, as well.
There are a lot of qualities we don’t consider that contribute to making a person lovely to people they meet, and very important in the society they find themselves in. Some of those qualities include:
- Creativity, charisma and resilience
- Intelligence, loyalty and wisdom
- Empathy, ambitiousness and trustworthiness
- Kindness, consistency and respectfulness
- Knowledge, imagination and altruism
- Truthfulness and manners
Do you love yourself? Do you consider yourself worthy? It is the most important thing that you have to learn in order to create peace and harmony with yourself first. These, who see your quality, will accept who you are.
When you look at that list, you find things that are truly rare, beautiful, and incorruptible. Our physical appearance is only but a small, often misleading, aspect of who we are – it is a wrapper for the candy, and not the candy itself.
What if you don’t like your body? On the other hand, if you’re uncomfortable with your shape or size, and you intend to go up or down the scale, your love for yourself should still come first. Your desire to lose weight is a sign of self-love.
If you have low self-esteem and desire to improve your outlook, it is time to make a change. Even a small one! Astrology can help you to define the right period of time to reach your goal. Just to share a secret with you, from my personal and from professional experience. Once you loss weight, even 5-6 pounds, you change your body chemical balance, it leads to change of your thoughts, then, you change your life style, sometimes, you change complete your life path or take important life decision you have been postponed for a years. One change leads to the next, once you turn on the metabolism, you can lose not 5, you can lose 10, 15, 20 pounds. I have customers who lost weight, then they improve their self-esteem, then, they found out that they deserve more or they have been living in toxic relationship that created all their problem, including gaining weight; then as they change their life style, they found their true self and completely transform their lives. Many times, you need just a small step to start; once you started you feel good and you improve your life each day, you look good and feel good, you start to think different and you see different perspective.
If you want to learn more and to find out how to lose weight, I can look up at your chart and find the key to solve this issue. Your Natal chart is going to reveal who you are and what is your preferences.
Do you eat alone, are you hiding when you eat or you like to have company and enjoy your meal with friends? We are all different, with different taste and values. The key to solve overweight or obesity is to define, what we like and when we are emotional? How we react to emotions and what we do in such moments? Some of us like to eat when they are overstress or overwhelmed, other drink alcohol, third of us- react differently- they express themselves, one way or other and let the pressure get down, as they look for support, exercise or find a good counselor. From which category you are? When is the best time to start a new healthier program? Your natal chart will give us all these answers.