Dear Friends, Happy New Year 2021!
Sorry, even a little late, (I am very busy with private consultations, as many wants to know what is in store this year), I want to say cheers to all of you and to wish you a wonderful New 2021 year.
At the same time, without repeating myself, I want to remind you that 2021 will be remarkable year, as Saturn and Jupiter are both traveling in the revolutionary sign of Aquarius. This is rare event and it activates the era of the Aquarius. Aquarius is the 11 sign of the zodiac, it is down to earth, humane and strives to make the world a better place.
These born under the sign of Aquarius are visionaries, they always thinking how to uplift the life of these around them, they like to motivate, they think of the future; they are innovative and freedom loving, always looking for the truth. Open, they love to do researches and get to the root of the problem, they are these that make great discovery. Learning and thinking, leaving most the time on their head, inspiring their friends, leading groups, they have many contacts, because they dislike boredom. This is the reason they are initiator, eager to start new groups or enthusiastically bring new ideas and new reform. The like to make changes and see people having blissful life. These born in Aquarius are freedom lovers and they are revolutionary, because they are open to see other people’s view. They may not like your opinion, but they are curios to learn and see outside of the box. They are innovators, they like to dig dip and to get the truth, to bring light into the dark tunnel, motivating other to follow them. They are not rigid, they are open; they are not possessive- they are liberal, they are loyal, they give independence to their mates and consider them as equals.
Now, we have Jupiter traveling in this freedom loving, liberal sign. The influence of Jupiter is more focused on the openness and expansion of the mind, a search for freedom, and the real value of individuality. Jupiter here has a humanitarian mission, for independence, freedom and innovation.
Saturn and Jupiter were last year in business oriented, materialistic earth sign of Capricorn; now, they are both traveling in Aquarius, where they will have mental, humanistic approach of the air element.
This is the time of enlightenment on many levels, an increase of knowledge and understanding especially in technology, medicine, internet, global communications and human freedoms. I think, right now, we are lucky to have this enormous, enthusiastic Aquarius energy, as we all want to be open and do our own research, to solve our personal issues first and then, to take action to improve the outside world.
I plea to all of you, look inside of yourselves, where you are now and how you contributed to the currents situation. Are we taking risk, playing some dangerous game or playing fairly, consciously, from the bottom of our heart? Are we consciously or unconsciously support and accept the structure that we follow right now? Can we define which site we are taking- the light, or the dark? I am not talking here about politics or political parties, I am talking about our life actions, personal ethic, respect to each other, our feelings, emotions, our personal preferences and our energetic vibrations. How we donate to have a better life? Sorry, I don’t want to insult any one of us, as we are all working hard to make living and take care of our family, even though, I ask you – look around and ask oneself: how I, with my own action can make the world a better place to live? Do you ever think: What is the purpose of your life? Do I want to have freedom and be independent, to work and be rewarded for my effort or you want all the time to live in the box, where you cannot turn around, because you will be punished or eliminated from the group? Do you want to look outside the box? Do you want to explore more options and to see a better solution for your condition, more innovative way to solve the issues we have? Can we all look around and see how our neighbors are doing? Is anybody around suffer? Do you care, or you think only how to save your own skin without thinking for your friends, coworkers, for people above the broad. We are brother and sister, no matter in which site of the fence we are, we have one life purpose- to love each other and to live in peace, to go hand by hand, to help and be in service, to do our duties responsibly no matter who is on the other site. I think, we all have to do the Doctor’s Oath- that we have to help everyone no matter his/ her religion, color, ethnicity, we are all children of this wonderful earth. Again, I am asking you, make your own research and look around. Are we ready to rise our vibrations by being compassionate human, ready to save the world or we want to divide and carry hate in our heart? Are we going to live in fear and dismay for tomorrow or we will believe in the positive exciting outcome of the future? Yes, this is the beginning of the process, it is a time to wake up and to start working for our wonderful future, together, as human, as brothers and sisters, with compassion and love. It is just the beginning, but we need to see the light, we need to wake up, to unite, we need to act now.
Now, seat quietly and think: what is your idea of well-meaning life in this world? What you want to see in the near future? How you want to see your children in the forthcoming years? Write it down and fight for your dream! Don’t give up! Follow your plan and work until you make it reality.
I am asking you, please, adapt an Aquarius qualities and bring light; be Aquarian by yourself, no matter your astrology sign- be liberal, be independent, be open, be kind and do everything only from your heart. Open your heart, dear friends, see the darkness, we are at the end of the tunnel, soon we are going to have our joyful life back, but we have to wake up and bring light to every corner not only of our own home, but to these that are sad, depressed or disappointed, these that suffer one way or other. We, all have a heart, can we open our heart and spread love, work peacefully, with kindness and consideration for everyone in this world?
Jupiter, the planet of expansion in Aquarius come to expand our knowledge, vision, to work toward happiness and freedom of all, to make the change that we have been dreaming for a long time. Stay open, listen to your intuition, learn your natural way of empathy. We are in the era of the Aquarius since 2000, but now in 2021, with both Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius, it has been energetically activated and we are in the right direction, in the process of saving the humanity. Join us, be philanthropic, be part of the process, together we can make the world a better place to live.
Thank You for sharing your gifts of knowledge and compassion. This is very comprehensive!!!
The title is curious . The topic is very important!
Love the idea you mentioned: to adopt the personality and qualities of the Aquarian; it is very positive!! Blessings Abound! ♥️ ⭐️ 🌹