We are entering an eclipses season for the third and final time this year with the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on November 30th at 8 degrees of Gemini. Then, on December 14, the New Moon Solar eclipse occurs at 23 degrees of Sagittarius.
Eclipses occur on these lunar nodes, launching major transformation in virtually every aspect of life. They often correspond with major, abrupt changes. Sometimes, eclipses are our strong cards, they come to eliminate awful relationships or quit exhausting job; they come when we needed most, they help us to make the changes we need. Eclipses can be painful or choking, but they work as a light at the end of the tunnel, they bright the way we have to go and help us to find the true path. They may feel like wreaking havoc on our life, but they’re simply pushing us towards our destiny.
During the time of eclipses in Gemini and Sagittarius, we may possibly find that that we need to have a goal, mission or philosophy that gives our life meaning in order to feel safe and have fulfillment. With South node in Sagittarius, we may feel optimistic to life and believe that things will get better even If we get into trouble. Sagittarius is known as optimistic and risk taking. Gemini is the sign of communication, new ideas, new ways to express our true self.
Eclipse season is a time for revelations, beginnings, conclusions and changes, and the next that comes will be no different. We will be getting a lesson on effective communication and a chance to question our beliefs.
The full moon lunar eclipse is a chance to review. A lunar eclipse acts like a super-changed full moon, determined to help us better understand our shadows and step into our power. Sometimes, as it associated to the moon, our feeling and emotion, the lunar eclipse can be sensitive, heart touching or highly dramatic, or even disturbing. It can bring ending or separation, it is end of cycle. It does this through revealing whatever might be hindering our progress. Basically, it helps us to get out of our own way, to eliminate what is blocking our way and to make new plans, as one door is closed and another open, soon, the New Moon Solar eclipse that follows on December 14.2020.
It is a time to review what happen and what we accomplish in the last six months (the first eclipse in this group was in June 5.2020 in the sign of Sagittarius) and to evaluate our progress. Can you think what happen in the beginning of June? Are we more closely aligned with our purpose than we were, or are we further away? If we are off track, then course correction will be necessary. An eclipse can serve us the light in the shadows, reminding us why we came to this planet to accomplish. The lunar eclipse is in the sign of Gemini, which means it will illuminate our ability to communicate efficiently and truthfully. As with all full moons and lunar eclipses, this one is directly opposing the sun, which is in the sign of Sagittarius. The energy of Sagittarius calls for freedom, exploration and an examination of our belief systems. These energies combined will really push us to get in touch with our needs, evaluate our beliefs using facts and communicate more effectively to encourage the changes we long to make. We are called to uncover the parts of ourselves that we believe are unworthy, to then enlighten them. Keep in mind, the full moons and lunar eclipses are a time for reflection, not reaction. When the new moon occurs on December 14, then, it is a great time to initiate a new thing, a time for new beginning. Overwhelmed feeling? Take a step back and try to find out where these feelings come (full moon is associate with feelings). As this eclipse in the sign of Gemini, use Gemini communication skills to express your emotions, as you write or talk about your feeling. Be open to yourself and write the truth, express yourself freely and honestly. Only by expressing your feelings and discussing them, you can find relief, even more, you are in the road to heal your soul. This is the only way to continue, to be sure you are in touch with your heart and you are in the right track.
Sometimes a New Moon Solar eclipse can be more intense that a full moon, it depends on the aspect the moon makes to the other planets. For this reason December can be powerful month
What is the best way to find out if you are in the right direction and how the eclipses influence you? Dedicate a time, start a journal, specifically to your own development and growth.
The effect of the Full Moon Lunar eclipse over the signs:
The Full moon eclipse occurs in your 3 house of communications, brother, sisters and community. Your mind can feel extremely busy during this time. Mercury enters your 9th house of education, international affairs and long distance traveling. With Mars in your home, you are full of energy and ready to concur the world. Take your time for meditation to clarify what exactly needs to shift in your mindset.
The Full moon eclipse falls in your second house of money and possession. It is a time to find new ways to manage your finances, as Uranus brings great surprises and life changing events. Mercury in your house of joint resources reminds you during December that you have to learn how to share your abundance with partners or how to establish intimate space to create safety home or to have healthy and happy relationship. Stay positive! Repeat often: ” I am worthy, I am enough, I am abundant, I deserve it. Write those words on bright sticky notes, and hang them in various visible places in your home for continued positive reinforcement.
This is a significant time for you, as the lunar eclipse is in your sign, in your first house of identity and self. You are aligning more with your true voice, who you are meant to be, and who resonates with you most in life. Follow your path. With Mars in your 11 house for a long time, you are in the process to find the one that you are looking for, to fulfill your dream and start a new leaf soon. Eliminate what doesn’t serve you any more, start a new lifestyle or diet and expect magic coming your way in December.
The moon rules Cancer and now it is in your 12 house of retreat, retrospection and healing house. Take plenty of rest, heal your soul, to releasing trapped emotions and past challenges. May be, it is a time to find a canceler and heal wounds from the past. Take a moment alone to breathe through this potent energy. Mars is in your house of career and status, too much work and stress on the job can be a sign for vacation in December, it is a holiday season.
The eclipse in Gemini falls in your house of friends, groups and organization, what you learn and how you communicate. As a naturally creative sign, setting your intension for your message visually can help you manifest it into reality. Take time to think about what you want to share with the collective and create a vision board specific to your hopes, dreams, and wishes. The more specific you are, the better. Mars in your 9 house of traveling calls for long distance journey, keep your language ready, by the door.
The eclipse occurs in your 10 house of career and social status, your professional life is going to undergo changes, it can bring uncertainty. Using the power of guided meditation can reverse difficult thought patterns, and increase your frequency. Mars in your 8 house of joint account may create disputes over money or inheritance. Choose a meditation practitioner of choice, and find a quiet spot to focus on grounding your emotions.
It is party time, as the eclipse falls in your 11 house of friends and association. Stay healthy during the holiday season and keep in mind that not all friends belong to your family, may be, it is time to distance from some of these that no longer serves you, or waste your time. Be selective! With Mars in your partnership house, I want to warn you- it is ok to fight for harmony and fairness, also, to compromise. You have another powerful month to solve your partnership issues and to move to the next level.
The eclipse falls in very difficult house, the 8th, the house of intimacy, fears, elimination and joint account. May be, it is a time to let it go and find out how to create stability with your partner, how to transform the sad news to energy that can feed your soul for the year ahead. Some ends bring growth, one door is closed, another opens soon. Open a journal and begin to write a list of five things you are deeply afraid of. Be honest with yourself. After you’ve done this, go through each fear and write down why you’re afraid until you run out of reasons. This will help you mentally work through what’s holding you back.
The eclipse takes place in the house of your significant one. A significant event in your love or business relationships can push you into fully assessing your individuality and how it fits into the dynamic of a relationship. Your freedom is vital, but the voices of those you are entangled with matter, too. Through this lunar eclipse, you may understand more about how to balance the two. Meditate with candle. Focus your mind on love for yourself and acceptance in order to fully show up for others.
Your health routine, physical well-being, and work is improving under the light of this lunation. You may have been working extremely hard or not taking the time to truly practice self care. The lunar eclipse in Gemini is showing you just how essential this is. Mars in your home sector adds stress to your home, family and sacred space. How can you show up for others if you aren’t honoring yourself first? As the saying goes, work to live, don’t live to work.
The full moon eclipse in Gemini falls in your 5th house of love, children, entertainment and fun. A complete upgrade in your creativity is in order. You can experience a much-needed boost in your naturally innovative and creative spirit. You are prompted to start working on a groundbreaking project, or feel the urge to create and launch something new. You could also experience changes regarding your children, if you have them. Schedule time for your favorite creative hobby whether it’s dancing, singing, writing, or playing with your children, if you have them. Injecting fun into your world can free your mind and allow for those high vibrational ideas to pop in.
It is a challenging time for Pisces, as the lunar eclipse takes place in your home, family and roots. Your home, emotional world, and family life are your focus right now. Working through old mindsets and familial patterns can be a trial, but doing so will help you release the past in order to positively move forward toward the future. Organizing your private sanctuary and removing clutter that does not serve is liberating and can make space for you to work with the emotional changes that are ahead. Use crystal during meditation.
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