Dear Aries, this is an exciting year for you! With the Sun in Capricorn, your career and reputation house. You have overcome many difficulties in the previous year, and now it is time to celebrate, make new friends, and meet new exciting people. A new person may enter your life and change it in a positive way.
Career and Finances
Your career may blossom this year. Pluto, which was in your career sector for 15 years, moved out on November 19, 2024, and will not return for another 240-250 years. This means your career is now open and free from pressure. You will be able to grow, learn many lessons, and be rewarded. You will rise like a Phoenix, reborn stronger and more powerful than ever. The year starts with the Sun in Capricorn, your 10th house of career, highlighting your talent, light, and professionalism. On December 30, 2025, a New Moon in Capricorn will bring good news for your career, possibly a promotion.
Saturn, which rules your career, will leave your 12th house of isolation. You will no longer work behind the curtains; you will be seen and happy. Saturn will enter Aries, your sign, bringing big changes and responsibilities. This will put you on a new path, and you may even become an authority figure. Saturn will stay in Aries for a few months, retrograde, and then return to Pisces before coming back to Aries in February 2026 for 2.5 years. This will increase your responsibilities, bring new bonds, and give you stability and durability.
Love and Relationships
Mars, the planet of action, your ruling planet, entered Leo, your 5th house of love, sex, pleasure, and children, on November 5. It will stay in Leo until January 7, 2025, then turn retrograde and move to Cancer, your 4th house. Mars will stay in Cancer until April 19, 2025, bringing surprises, both good and bad, related to your home and family. You may have guests, noise, or a lot of work at home. You may even change your home. Mars will reenter Leo on April 19, 2025 and stay in your fifth house until June18.2025, bringing joy and a great time for finding a sexual partner or getting pregnant.
Health and Wellness
Mars is your ruling planet, when it goes retrograde, you have to protect your health. Also, Mars will influence your 4th house of home and family, bringing both challenges and opportunities for improvement. You may have to deal with family matters or home repairs, but by April 19, 2025, things should settle down, and you’ll feel more at peace.
Keep in mind, that you may deal with stress or be overwhelm with family issues. Take your vitamins and practice stress management during Mars retro. By April 19, Mars will move into your 5th house of love and pleasure, making it a great time for romance and joy.
Personal Growth and Development
Jupiter, the planet of good luck, travels in Gemini, your 3rd house of communication and learning, and short-distance traveling. Jupiter is retrograde since October 09, 2024, slowing things down in this sector. On February 04, 2025, Jupiter turns direct, helping you improve your communication skills and enjoy learning new things. By June 10, Jupiter will move to your 4th house, home and family, bringing happiness and stability to your home life. Jupiter will stay in your fourth house- home and family for 12 months to find peace and create a happy nest. This will be a year of growth, new beginnings, and bliss for you, Aries.
Aries, 2025 is a year of transformation, growth, and joy. Embrace the changes, enjoy the journey, and make the most of the opportunities that come your way. You have been waiting for this for 12 years, and now you will be able to enjoy it.
Introduction Taurus, the year 2025 can be exciting. Even though you don’t like changes, as you are a stable and grounded sign, there is news you may like. Uranus, the planet that shook up your life and did not give you peace and stability for the last 7 years, is now getting out of Taurus and will not come back to you for the next 74 years. It is time to celebrate. Your life may get more secure and stable, especially your personal life, your health, and your life path.
Career and Finances The first half of 2025, Jupiter, the planet of good luck and opportunity, still travels in your second house of money. You may have good luck with money or get a big promotion. Jupiter will increase your income and make your life more secure. It will stay in this sector until June 10.2025, so make sure you save some for the next few years until you have better opportunities. Uranus will enter Gemini, your second house of money, on July 07, 2025. You must adapt quickly and use AI, as Uranus is known as the planet of technology and innovation. You have to learn new methods of making money or create your own career, where you have to make new discoveries and use new methods of marketing to increase your finances. Uranus here can give you new ideas and help you make big deals. You are smart, capable, and persistent, and if you are innovative and use your mental ability, you can become really rich. Uranus will stay 7 years in your house of money, so it is time to show your ability and talent. Just remember, Uranus may give you a big chunk of money today, but tomorrow, you may not receive anything. It is the planet of discovery and innovation, but also of instability. Use this time to show your creative talents and save money for a rainy day. Uranus will turn retrograde and return to Taurus on November 9 to finish the changes you want and plan. Then, in April 2026, Uranus will enter your second house of money to stay for 7 years. Improve communication skills Mars, the planet of action that rules your partnership sign, now travels in the sign of Cancer and spends an unusually long time in your 3rd house of communication, siblings, and your community and neighbors. Mars will be retrograde in this house from January 7 to February 24. Be very careful when you travel and communicate, as you may have problems in this sector. Check your transportation, schedules, and solve issues with siblings or neighbors to improve your communications with them. Mars will turn direct and stay in the same house until April 19, 2025. Use this time to adjust and enhance your interaction with others, especially those close to you. When you are on the road, Mars can push you to speed and make mistakes or incidents. Remember to be a cautious and responsible driver if you don’t want to be in trouble or lose your license.
Home and Family Mars the planet of energy, one that rules your partnership house, will be retrograde from the beginning of the year in your home and family sector. You may have some problems with your parents or someone may need your help. Mars in your home can bring complications with your home, or you may have to move, remodel or reconstruct your home, and you are not going to feel comfortable. Once Mars turns direct and goes to your home sector from April 19 to June 18 you will be very busy working and solving this difficulty. Mars unusual long stay actually helps to improve your home and the relationships with your family.
Personal Growth and Development The first half of 2025, Jupiter, the planet of good luck and opportunity, still travels in your second house of money. You may have good luck with money or get a promotion. Jupiter will increase your income and make your life more secure. It will stay in this sector until June 10.2025, so make sure you save some for the next few years until you have better opportunities. By June 10.2025, Jupiter moves to your third house of communications and learning on June 10.2025 to stay here for 12 months. Jupiter can create happiness with siblings and neighbors. You may even have new neighbors and sign new contracts. If you need a professional license, it is the year you will pass the exam and grow professionally .It is a year to learn and grow, improve your communication and professional skills.
Conclusion Taurus, 2025 is a year of transformation, growth, and joy. Embrace the changes, enjoy the journey, and make the most of the opportunities that come your way. You have been waiting for this for 12 years, and now you will be able to enjoy it
You are still the lucky sign of the zodiac, dear Gemini, as you have Jupiter traveling in your sign since May 2024. Jupiter is the planet of good luck, abundance, and great opportunities. It can help you find your mission, your career, or a new partnership, as Jupiter rules your 7th house of partners. It helps every aspect and house to flourish, beautifying everything it touches. Just be a little patient, as Jupiter has been retrograde since October 2024, and will turn direct on February 04, 2025. This will be a wonderful time for you, Gemini, as Jupiter will travel in your first house of who you are until June 10, 2025, when it will enter Cancer, your second house of money.
Career and Finances
Mars, the planet that rules your dreams, desires, and also increases income and friendship, will be retrograde in your 3rd house of communication for the first 6 days of the year. Then, again in retrograde cycle, it will reenter Cancer, your second house of money and finances. This is a time when you have to work, make a good budget plan with restrictions, as Mars here can bring unexpected bills to pay. Be prepared to save and improve your earning skills, as you learn to be more thrifty. Mars will be in Cancer for 7 months, from September 5 to April 19, 2025. Be thoughtful and think before making big purchases, especially during Mars retrograde in your house of money from January 7 to February 23, 2025. After Mars goes direct, you may start to see more rewards for your dedication and hard work.
Saturn, the planet of responsibility and structure, is traveling in your 10th house of career and social status. You may have to put in a lot of hours and dedicate a big part of your time to impress authority or your clients. It is time to create new sources and make clear goals about where you are going. Saturn will be here until May 25, 2025, when it will enter Aries, your 11th house of friends and groups, dreams, and wishes. It will stay for three months, then return to your 10th house on September 2, 2025, to accomplish what you started and clear your path. By February 15, 2026, Saturn will leave your 10th house, rewarding you for your hard work.
Neptune, the planet of inspiration, creativity, and spirituality, rules your 10th house of career. Neptune will travel in the last few degrees of this house until March 30, 2025, when it enters Aries. It will stay in Aries for 7 months, then return to Pisces and reenter your 10th house to ensure you finish what you have in mind for your career. On January 27, 2026, Neptune will enter Aries, your 11th house of friends and spiritual groups, helping you enlighten and make a new life path.
Love and Relationships
Another exciting news for Gemini is Uranus entering your sign, Gemini! This is great news. It will influence those with the Sun from 1 to 3 degree in Gemini, or those born between May 22 to May 26. The rest will feel the impact of Uranus in the next years, as Uranus will stay in Gemini for the next 7 and a half years. As a Gemini, you like changes and are happy to take a new life direction. This is exciting and refreshing. You will be full of enthusiasm, energy, and desire to make innovative creative changes. You will have great ideas, work with new technology, and use AI. It is a great awakening time. You may have new events and new people entering your life, something you have never envisioned. Uranus rules your house of spirituality and higher mind, it can help you to find new spiritual group of friends and grow up and enlighten. Uranus is the planet of freedom, you may like to change the way you live and need more freedom or chose partner that give you the freedom you need to grow up.
Venus will be in Gemini from July 5 to the end of the month of 2025 to make you shine and attract love and money. Mars at the same time will travel in your home sector; you will be very happy at this time, enjoying home and family.
Health and Wellness
The first half of the year, you have protection of the good luck planet Jupiter, who actually rules your house of health. Now is the time to solve any health issue you have, as you may find best doctors, to heal your body and soul. Jupiter turns direct February 04.2025, schedule an appointment, start a new healthier life style, it is marvelous time for healing.
Personal Growth and Development
Jupiter, the planet of good luck, will travel in your first house of who you are until June 10, 2025, when it will enter Cancer, your second house of money. This will be a wonderful time for you, Gemini, as Jupiter will help you find your mission, career, or a new partnership. It will bring abundance and great opportunities, helping you flourish in every aspect of your life. Jupiter in the second house of income and money you earn can be a very good sign. If you are looking for new job, you will have great opportunities.
Gemini, 2025 is a year of transformation, growth, and joy. Embrace the changes, enjoy the journey, and make the most of the opportunities that come your way. You have been waiting for this for a long time, and now you will be able to enjoy it.
Dear Cancer, any planets that stay longer than normal time in a sign have a purpose to improve it and make your life more satisfying. Mars, the planet that rules your career sector, entered your sign, Cancer, on September 05, 2024, to stay here until April 19, 2025, almost 7 months. Mars’s normal transit to the signs is 45 days. This is an unusually long stay, my dear friend.
Career and Finances
Mars moved to your second house of money on November 5.2024, then on December 7.2024, Mars turned retrograde. The year starts with Mars retrograde in the sign of Leo, your 2nd house of money, for a short time. On January 07, 2025, Mars reenters your sign again to stay here until April 19, 2025. Having Mars here, you have to work hard, exercise hard, and make a lot of effort to improve your health and lifestyle. Mars will move to Leo on April 19, 2025, then you have to start working on your budget and make plans on how to increase your income, as you may have a lot of bills to pay, or to share part of your earnings with family and kids.
Saturn, traveling in your ninth house of education and spirituality, may teach you a lesson and put structure in your life. By April 25, 2025, Saturn will change signs and move to Aries. Every time Saturn leaves a house where it traveled for almost three years, it leaves rewards by the door. Saturn will leave your 9th house of higher education, spirituality, and long-distance traveling. Any problem you had with legal issues and publishing will be solved. Saturn will enter your 10th house of career by May 25, 2025. You may want to change your career, as Saturn reviews and tests how you are doing here. If you are happy and satisfied, you will continue to grow. If not, Saturn will push you to change or leave. Saturn will turn retrograde by September 2, 2025, then reenter Aries again on February 15, 2026. Saturn gives new responsibility but also builds a path for stability for the next 14 years ahead.
Love and Relationships
Mars will travel in your sign, dear Cancer and you will be energized, as it enters every sign every two years. You must be careful during the time Mars is retrograde, as it may causes misunderstanding with partnerships, or with business relationships. Mars will be retro from the beginning of the year until February 24. Then, Mars direct in your sign make you irresistible, full of energy and ready to concur the world.
Luckily all issue you experience during the first four months of the year will be solved easily with grace, as once in 12 years, Jupiter good luck planet will visit your sign. It will enter Cancer June 10.2025 to stay here 12 months. Now, you can start a new project, new business, even a new relationship, as Jupiter turns to gold everything he touches.
Health and Wellness
Having Mars in your first house, you have to work hard, exercise hard, and make a lot of effort to improve your health and lifestyle. Mars is the planet of action and hard work. Protect your health and start new eating habits. Be sure to sign up for a gym and express your anger in a healthy way. If you have any health symptoms, take care of them. Mars can cause or increase acute disease or inflammation. Make sure you eat healthy food and consult doctors if you feel discomfort, especially when Mars is retrograde from December 4.2024 to February 24.2025. When it moves direct on February 24, you will feel better and full of energy.
Then, Jupiter will be with you to the rest of the year, he will protect and heal everything you need.
Personal Growth and Development
Jupiter, the planet of abundance and good luck, travels the first half of the year in Gemini, your 12th house of isolation and behind-the-curtains action. It has a purpose to protect you and help you heal your body, mind, and soul. With four planets retrograde the first half of the year, make sure you find mentor, spiritual teacher or counselor. It is a healing time, for retrospective thinking and more rest than action.
The second part of the year, Jupiter can bring opportunities you have never imagined. It will improve your home and family life, too. You may change your home and get to a luxurious one. Jupiter will make life comfortable and secure. It happens once in 12 years when Jupiter visits each sign, and now it is your turn to fulfill your dreams and start the project you dream about.
Cancer, 2025 is a year of transformation, growth, and joy. Embrace the changes, enjoy the journey, and make the most of the opportunities that come your way. You have been waiting for this for 12 years, and now you will be able to enjoy it.
Dear Leo, the first half of the year 2025 can be challenging with a few bumps in the road, but the second part is promising to be better. Four planets are retrograde until end of April that can effect the life of all. Stay calm, stay positive, you will be happier the second half of the year.
Career and Finances
The year 2025 starts with Mars in your sign, which entered on November 5, 2024. By December 6, Mars turned retrograde in your sign. Mars is the planet of energy and action; it energizes us and pushes us to start new things, succeed, be aggressive, and achieve our goals. Mars rules your 9th house of higher education, long-distance traveling, spirituality, and legal issues. Unfortunately, Mars retrogrades and reenters Cancer on January 7, 2025. Cancer is your 12th house. Then, it goes direct on February 24, 2025. Mars reenters your sign, Leo, on April 19, 2025. Then, you can move ahead and start something new, either go back to school or travel overseas.
Saturn, the planet of responsibility and hard work, rules your sixth house of daily schedule, routines, service to others, and health. It now travels in your 8th house of intimacy, joint accounts, and other people’s money. The last two and a half years, Saturn taught you a hard lesson, and now you learn how to work with them, be more practical, handle crises, and overcome your fears. Saturn has traveled here since March 07, 2021. Now, it leaves this house and enters Aries in May 2025, it stay here a little longer than 3 months. The good news is that Saturn rewards us when it leaves the house where it spends three years. One of the rewards in your case can be a stable partnership or good financial position, healed fears. The other could be a breakup with those you are not happy with, or just leaving one path and taking another. Saturn will be at 29 degrees of Pisces in May 2025, then go retrograde and get back to 29 of Pisces in December 2025. Finally, it will move back to Aries on February 15, 2026, to stay there 2.5 years in your 9th house of spirituality, long-distance traveling, and higher education.
Love and Relationships
Venus will travel in your partnership hose from January 04.2025 to the end of January. This can helps and make you happy with your partner and improve your relationship. Venus will be in your 5th house of love pleasure and fun in December 2025 to bring love peace and harmony, to have fun with children and express yourself freely.
The big transformation comes with Pluto that entered your partnership home November 2024 to stay here next 20 years.
Health and Wellness
From the beginning of January until April 19, Mars travels in your 12th house of retrospective thinking and retreat, it will ask you to slow down and rethink your plans, reexamine partnerships, and heal your body and mind to be prepared for the new cycle when Mars returns to your sign. Now, take your vitamins, go to the gym, protect your health. Practice stress management.
Be compassionate toward yourself and others. Solitude time will be rewarding; you can recharge your battery and prepare for action when Mars turns direct and reenters your sign. Working with children, arts, music, or any creativity can be healing and rewarding at the same time.
You may even like your solitude and this healing process, as Jupiter, the planet that rules your 5th house of love, will enter your 12th house of healing and retreat on June 10, 2025. You may need more time with yourself to continue the healing process. You, Leo rules the 5th house of creativity and children, you may decide to spend more time with children or enjoy time working on favorite creative projects. Creativity can help you heal, as it is an expression, and by expressing your feelings and emotions, you, Leo, will release what is inside of you, what bothers you, or what motivates you. Jupiter is like a fairy tale; it can take you away from the disturbing outside world and help you heal body and soul. Working with children, arts, music, or any creativity can be healing and rewarding. Jupiter is the good fairy that protects you and leads you to happy places where you feel good and restore your energy and health. It will stay in your 12th house for one year, starting June 10, 2025.
Personal Growth and Development
During the first half of the year, Jupiter travels in your 11th house of friends, groups, and organizations. It is time to make your plans for the future. The planet of good luck is traveling retrograde in Gemini until February 04, 2025. This is not a very fruitful time because Jupiter is retrograde; your plans are not approved. You better wait until after it turns direct; it is going to make a difference in your life. You will be surprised how friends and associates can benefit and assist you in your search for meaning.
From June 10, Jupiter enters Cancer, your 12 house, to stay here one year; to heal and to prepare you for the new cycle, as Jupiter will enter your sign, Leo, on July 01.2026.
Leo, 2025 is a year of transformation, growth, and joy. Embrace the changes, enjoy the journey, and make the most of the opportunities that come your way. You have been waiting for this for a long time, and now you will be able to enjoy it.
Dear Virgo, 2025 will be a year for major changes in your life. Eclipses will be in Virgo and Pisces, your first and seventh house of partnership, signaling significant transformations. This happens every 19 years. You can go back to 2005 and 2006 if you are old enough to remember, especially when the North node of the moon is in conjunction with your Sun in Virgo and the South node in Pisces, your seventh house of others. Your life path will be renewed, and you may make drastic changes in your lifestyle, life direction, relocate, change career paths, or get married.
Career and Finances
The year starts with Mars retrograde in your 12th house of retreat, retrospective thinking, and healing, beginning in December 2024. By January 7.2025, Mars moves to your 11th house of friends, groups, and dreams come true. You may have to consider or decide to eliminate some friends who have different goals or interests. You may have to regroup or reorganize your social circle. Until Mars is retrograde, save your energy and work on your new schedule, as you may need to adjust due to new obligations. Mars will turn direct by February 24, 2025, then you can make plans for your future and make new friends.
Mercury, the planet of communication, also your planet, will retrograde in the spring too and make everything more complicated from March 11 to April 7, 2025. Mercury will travel in your 8th house of partnership, joint resources, intimacy, and inheritance. This is not a good time to take loans or sign contracts. Work to improve your relationship and pay your bills.
Love and Relationships
Saturn, the planet of duties and responsibilities, travels in your 7th house of partners and has been there since March 2021. Usually, Saturn in the 7th house tests our personal relationships and sometimes asks us to adjust and take more responsibilities. Now, Saturn will move from Pisces, the seventh house, to release it, but will enter the eighth house of joint accounts, joint money, and psychological issues. The eighth house is the house of life, death, and rebirth, the house of intimacy and shared resources. Here, we have to pay our bills and work together with our partner to solve all these issues. Some may decide to leave partnerships, as Saturn leaves this house by May 25, 2025, to enter Aries to stay here for the next three years. When Saturn leaves the house, it leaves the rewards for your hard work and devotion. Some may leave their partners, others may decide to marry, as Saturn helped to solve the issues and ask to take it seriously. Saturn will return to Pisces again to spend a few more months before it goes to Aries on February 12, 2026. Saturn will be retrograde from July 13 to November 28, 2025.
Your partner may need some special help and attention, as Venus, the planet of love and money, will travel in your seventh house and will retrograde too. From March 2 until April 13, 2025, Venus can bring difficulty with partnership and misunderstandings. During this time, do not make important decisions regarding partnership, do not make important purchases, get married or borrow money. Venus turns direct on April 13, 2025, and helps you solve the issues you have, as it will travel in Pisces until May 1, 2025, when it goes to Aries, your house of joint resources.
Health and Wellness
Mars, the planet of energy will be in Leo, your 12th house of retreat and healing as Mars entered Leo November 5.2025. Mars has been retrograded since December 07. 2024. Use this time to heal yourself—physical, mental, and emotional health. You can find the best doctors and best psychologists to heal your wounds. Mars retro in 12 house of secrets and isolation is one of the most difficult places to be. Stay away from dark place, take a good rest, practice stress management, take your vitamins. No secret or clandestine affair, as it will backfire. Protect your health, especially of you have any inflammation, as Mars can trigger inflammation or other diseases, caused by unhealthy eating.
By June 19, Mars will enter Virgo, your sign, and you will be ready to conquer the world again, start a new job, new project, or find love.
Personal Growth and Development
Until June 10, 2025, Jupiter, the planet of good luck, travels in Gemini, your 10th house of career, and helps you stabilize your status. Happily, by June 10, Jupiter will move to Cancer, your friendship house, the one you had issues with in the first half of the year. Now, with Jupiter here, you will be blessed to find support from friends or join groups that can contribute to making your dream come true. Jupiter in Cancer is in its best position, generous and helpful. It can put you on a pedestal, and you will be happy where you are, either in a social circle or in your home, as Jupiter rules your home. It means you can find friends that you feel at home with. Eleventh house is associate with dreams come true, as Jupiter turns to gold everything it touches.
Virgo, 2025 is a year of transformation, growth, and joy. Embrace the changes, enjoy the journey, and make the most of the opportunities that come your way. You have been waiting for this for a long time, and now you will be able to enjoy it.
The first half of the year, dear Libra, can bring some miscommunication, misunderstanding, and even health issues. Keep in mind that 4 planets will be retrograde, and this can make it difficult for you to execute your plans regarding partnership and career plans. It’s better to slow down and wait until the spring when all planets turn direct.
Career and Finances
The planet Mars affects your 10th house of career and social status. From the beginning of the year, Mars will retrograde and it will turns direct on February 24, 2025. Authority figures make demands, or you may have a new boss that puts you under a lot of pressure. When Mars turns direct by the end of February, you may start to make new plans. Mars will stay in your career sector until April 18.2025, you can work actively and be very busy, you may even have competition with partners, but you will be able to succeed and get ahead, and accomplish your career plans.
Love and Relationships
Big transformation and positive changes are on the road for those that are born in the first decade of Libra, especially those born September 23 to September 28, as Pluto, the planet of transformation, changes sign and moves to Aquarius, your 5th house of love, children, and fun. Pluto was in your 4th house and home for 15 years. Now, it moved out and I am pretty sure made a lot of transformations and major changes. Now it will make great aspect toward your Sun, especially those born in the first decade, giving you a chance to grow, to make positive variations, and to make your life more interesting, to enjoy more and be more creative with arts, hobbies, or your children and grandchildren.
Venus, your planet, will turn retrograde from to . Venus will be in Aries, your seventh house of partnerships. Don’t make major decisions at this time; work to solve issues with partners. Don’t borrow money, don’t start new love relationship! Do not get married, it is bad luck!
Health and Wellness
Venus will be retro and will reenters Pisces, your 6th house of health, from March 28 to April 13. This is the house of service, health, and work. Do not overload your schedule and exercise; take your vitamins, as you may get the flu. Venus turns direct on April 13, 2025, and goes to your 7th house again, to make it flourish and grow until June 07, 2025.
Saturn, the planet of hard work and responsibility, will be in your 6th house of work and health until May 25, 2025. If you feel too much weight on your shoulders, it means you have to work to change schedules and take breaks, to have balance and change your schedule. Because if you don’t rest enough, your immune system can get down, especially when Venus, your planet, is retrograded from March 28 to April 13, 2025.
Personal Growth and Development
Jupiter, the planet of good luck, travels during the first half of the year in Gemini, your 9th house of education and long-distance traveling. One way or another, you will travel overseas or virtually and learn a lot, have fun, it is something you have been waiting for 12 years. Some of you may decide to relocate, others will come back to start a new career if you want to shine. Jupiter will move from Gemini to Cancer, your 10th house of career June 10.2025. If you want to start a business or a new job, it is time, dear Libra. Jupiter will stay here during the next 12 months, from June 10, 2025, to July 2026. It is the best time now, time to get your desired position or build a new business. Use Jupiter to achieve your professional goals and to get to the top of the occupational hierarchy.
Uranus, the planet of innovations and technology, will change signs too, as it enters Gemini, again, your 9th house of long-distance traveling on July 08, 2025. This is great news again for those that are born in the first decade because Uranus comes once in 74 years and travels 7 years in each sign. Now, Uranus will make a grand trine with Pluto in Aquarius, Uranus in Gemini, and your Sun in Libra during the summer of 2025. Wow! This is why I said you may make big plans for your future. You may not know exactly where you are going and what to do, but you know you need to change, to end many projects, and to look ahead. Uranus will spend only three months and will return to Taurus on November 9, 2025. Then next year, Uranus will come back to Gemini to stay here 7 years, to make the same grand trine with your Sun in the beginning of the spring, April 2026.
Libra, 2025 is a year of transformation, growth, and joy. Embrace the changes, enjoy the journey, and make the most of the opportunities that come your way. You have been waiting for this for a long time, and now you will be able to enjoy it.
Dear Scorpio, take care of your health, save your energy, and protect your liveliness, as your first ruler, Mars is going to be retrograde from the beginning of the year until February 24, 2025. It travels in your 9th house of legal issues and long-distance travel, international affairs, and all of them can influence your well-being.
Career and Finances
Mars will move to your career sector on April 19, and you will be very busy. Make sure you are ready for new projects and new obligations, as your schedule will be overloaded. Mercury, the communicator, will be retrograde in your career sector from March 11 to April 7, 2025. It is your number one obligation to have less stress and work efficiently without being interrupted. Jupiter, the planet of good luck, travels in Gemini, your 9th house of partnerships, but Jupiter is retrograde until February 04, 2025. After it turns direct, it may bring some benefits, such as financial rewards or improved intimate relationships.
Love and Relationships
Saturn, the planet of obligations, travels in your 5th house of love and pleasures since March 07.2021 . It puts some restrictions or difficulties in the house it occupies. Luckily, Saturn leaves this house of creativity and fun and lets it develop and flourish. When Saturn leaves the house, being there almost three years, Saturn brings rewards by the door. Saturn leaves your fifth house on May 26.2025. Hopefully, you will get closer to the people you love and get the rewards you earned.
Venus, which rules your seventh house of partnership, will be retrograde in the first part of the year, from February 2, 2025, to April 13, 2025. Venus will be in Pisces, your 5th house of love and children during this time. Protect your loved ones and children, keep your communication open and clear to avoid miscommunication or misunderstanding. Count to 10 before you say something, as you don’t want to end the relationship with people you love.
Health and Wellness
Saturn will leaves Pisces and will go to Aries on May 25, 2025 and Aries rules your 6 house of health and work. Saturn will stay here only three months and go back to Pisces, your 5th house of love on September 2, 2025, to restore your relationships and improve your love work. Then Saturn will reenter Aries, your 6th house of work and health, again February 15, 2026, then, again, you have to take care of your health and easy your schedule to have balance in your life. Make sure you take advice from your doctor and work on any health issue you have. Change your schedule, make it lighter to have plenty of rest and sleep
Personal Growth and Development
The best part of the year is the second half, dear Scorpio, and I know you will enjoy it. Jupiter, the planet of good luck, is going to move to Cancer on June 10, 2025, and give you a chance to travel to faraway destinations, or if you are young, to go back to college and increase your knowledge, skills, and wisdom; to have fun and enjoy good things in life. You will be thrilled to visit places you have never been and to have memorable moments with people you love. Jupiter also rules your house of money that you make, so be prepared to be rewarded, to have the abundance you are dreaming about.
Scorpio, 2025 is a year of transformation, growth, and joy. Embrace the changes, enjoy the journey, and make the most of the opportunities that come your way. You have been waiting for this for a long time, and now you will be able to enjoy it.
The year starts with your ruling planet Jupiter in retrograde, so be prepared to reserve your energy and take your vitamins. On February 04, 2025, Jupiter turns direct, and you may have more courage and desire to make your life satisfying and happy, as Jupiter energizes you and gives support and optimism. Unfortunately, three more planets: Mars, Venus, and Mercury take turns being retrograded in the first half of the year, until the end of April. When planets retrograde, we need to stop revise and improve our project, to rethink our plans if we want to be successful. When planets retrograde, they bring misunderstanding, miscommunication and delays, we may not get the respond or approval that we are looking for. Keep this in mind and be patient.
Career and Finances
Mars retrogrades in Cancer, your 8th house of partners and joint resources. You may have issues in connection with loans, inheritance, or unexpected bills that your partner forgot to tell you about. Don’t fight over money issues; it takes time, but you will overcome and solve them before May 2025. Mercury, the planet of communication, will be retrograde in your career sector from March 11 to April 7, 2025. It is your number one obligation to have less stress and work efficiently without being interrupted.
Saturn, the planet of obligations, the one that rules your second house of finances, is moving forward now and helps you. It travels in your 4th house of home and family since March 07, 2021. The last three years, you have had to work on many family problems, some of them are still waiting to be solved. You may need to help your parents, or make change around home; you may need to put a lot of effort into organizing and stabilizing it. It is a difficult place for Saturn, you have to put so much effort into building a structure of a new home or family or new house. Saturn may be supportive in your duties, finally, you may receive the rewards for your hard work and dedication, as Saturn leaves the 4th house to enter the 5th house on May 25, 2025.
Love and Relationships
Venus, the planet of love, will be retrograde in your house of home, family, and kids from March 2, 2025, to April 13, 2025. Venus will stay in your 5th house of children and creativity until June 06, 2025. Luckily, during the last month, it will bring the joy you are looking for. Jupiter travels in your 7th house of others the first half of the year and gives you the support that you are looking for. Your partner is cooperative and generous to you. Use this time, from April 19 to June 10, to get married or stabilize your partnership. Any contract you sign during this time will bring abundance and prosperity.
Health and Wellness
Take care of your health, save your energy, and protect your energy. When you travel overseas or meet people from overseas be cautious. You need to sleep enough and take your vitamins, you will feel better and stronger. Make sure you protect your health, make a lighter schedule, eat healthy and consult your doctor if you have any symptoms, as Mars retrograde can cause inflammations.
Personal Growth and Development
The second part of the year, Jupiter goes to your 8th house of joint resources, intimacy, and credit cards. Your partner may receive an awesome job with a great salary, or you may receive a good fortune, or finally solve inheritance and family problems. Neptune, the planet that rules your home, house, and parents, gets out of Pisces, your 4th house. It was there since April 2011. Neptune rules water, ocean, spirituality, and creativity, and how to be compassionate toward others. But also, Neptune is a dreamy, illusionary planet and very often makes a foggy, unclear road. We cannot see where to go, and we don’t know what to do. Neptune gets out of Pisces, your 4th house, and enters Aries on March 31, 2025. It is going to lift the fog from this sector of your life, where parents, house and home are concerned. Still, the problem will not be going to be solve overnight, you will not know yet what is best for you, but you feel that it is time for change, and you wanted it a long time ago. Don’t worry about what is going to happen and where you will live, where your new home will be now. At least you know where you don’t want to be, and now you can leave, cut the cord with the past and have fresh new start. As you follow your soul, it shows you that you are at the end of the chapter of the book, and soon you will enter a new one. Patience is important. Also, follow your intuition and soul, and you will know where to go and what to do. The rest of it will be solved and you are the one to receive the benefits.
Sagittarius, 2025 is a year of transformation, growth, and joy. Embrace the changes, enjoy the journey, and make the most of the opportunities that come your way. You have been waiting for this for a long time, and now you will be able to enjoy it.
Capricorn, congratulations! All of you, the three decades, you all survived 15 years of transformation, life, death, big and small changes! You learn, you grow up. You are a new person, stronger and more confident now, as Pluto left your sign at the end of November 2024 and will not come back to your Sun until you are alive, as Pluto’s circle around the zodiac takes between 240-250 years. It is a great indication that now, you will have a renewed life, and your challenges are not going to stress you. The Phoenix bird is reborn, and you can fly freely. No matter what is going to happen in the next few years, it will be for your good and benefit, as you deserve freedom and a new life.
Career and Finances
The New Year starts with the Sun and Moon, both in Capricorn! The New Moon on December 30 opens new doors for you with new possibilities. You can be lucky, as the year starts with Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and money, in your second house of finances. You can expect an increase in income, even a memorable time in the New Year, also in January.
Pluto, the planet of transformation, entered Aquarius by the end of 2024 for the next 20 years, to stay in your second house of money, value system, and beliefs. This can be a rewarding time. Pluto here asks you to prioritize what is most important for you and where to spend your money, also, to change the way you think of money, to see a new perspective, and to increase your income. Pluto is a powerful, transformative planet. It can change your personal values, beliefs, finances, and material possessions. Individuals may find themselves facing financial challenges or unexpected windfalls, which force them to reevaluate their relationship with money. This transit can also trigger a deep internal transformation, leading to a redefinition of personal values and a shift in overall self-worth. No worries, you will have time to adjust, it will stay here for the next 20 years. Pluto’s purpose is to become wiser and to eliminate expenditures that are not necessary and to concentrate on the most valuable things. Pluto is super powerful, and most of the time, if you act wisely without waste, you will be rewarded. Even more, you can become rich.
The first half of the year 2025 can bring some challenges, as four planets will take turns to retrograde. Mars, the planet of action and energy, will be retrograde from December 7, 2024, to February 24, 2025, traveling in Leo and then in Cancer. These transits in these houses can be challenging, as they rule your partnership houses, personal, intimate, houses of joint resources. You need to pay attention to your partner’s needs and negotiate yours and their needs. You must sit and make plans for your joint account, finances, and how you both spend and share resources. Otherwise, you may have some conflict. Mars is not good in these houses; it can mean you both may be stubborn and get into disputes. Be diplomatic, allow your partner to express their needs and desires, work on intimacy issues, and find a psychologist to solve your problem. Mars turns direct on February 24, 2025, and it will still be in your seventh house until April 19. Then it goes to the eighth house of intimacy and requests more devotion and delicate work with your partner until June 18, 2025, when Mars moves to Virgo—your house of long-distance traveling and people from foreign countries. It can be a fun time, but before that, you need to concentrate and solve issues you have with partnership, husband, wife, or even business partnership that you share resources with.
Love and Relationships
Mars will influence your 7th house of partnership, bringing both challenges and opportunities for improvement. You may have to deal with partnership matters or joint resources, but by April 19, 2025, things should settle down, and you’ll feel more at peace. Later, Mars will move into your 8th house of intimacy, making it a great time for deepening relationships and working on intimacy issues.
Venus, the planet of love and money, will be retrograde from March 2, 2025, to April 13, 2025, adding more confusion in home and communications. Mercury, traveling in your home and family house, will be retrograde from March 11 to April 7, 2025. Again, all these planets contribute to miscommunication and misunderstanding in home and family and personal relationships.
Saturn, your planet, is going to change signs and move to Aries, your 4th house of home and family, by May 25, 2025, to stay here for 3 years. As you know, Saturn here takes a lot of work, structure, and responsibility, a lot of effort to make a new home, buy a new home, or relocate. Saturn takes 29 years to come to this home, and when it enters, it asks you to take it seriously and devote yourself in order to build a strong foundation. Saturn will turn retrograde by July 13 and go back to the 4th house of communication and contracts, so you still don’t know where you will be, as Saturn lingers around 29 degrees, an anorectic 29 degrees, which means it is too early to predict or to make a decision. By the end of the year, Saturn turns direct, and it will move back to your fourth house of home again in the early spring of 2026. By then, you will know where your home and family will be, and luckily, problems will be solved in 2026.
Health and Wellness
Take care of your health, save your energy, and protect your stamina. No matter if you travel overseas or people from overseas visit you, of you don’t want to get a flu, you must sleep enough and take your vitamins; then you will be feel better, full of energy. Make sure you protect your health, as you make a lighter schedule and consult your doctor for any symptoms you have.
The first part of the year, Jupiter travels in your 6th house of health and work, Jupiter protects you, still remember, it will be retrograde from the beginning of the year until February 4.2025. Jupiter direct can be very helpful, you will be able to solve any work-related issues, you will enjoy your job and colleagues. If you have any health problems, Jupiter will assist to find the best specialists.
Personal Growth and Development
I have very good news, dear Capricorn. Jupiter, the planet of good luck and abundance, moves to Cancer, your seventh house of partnership, on June 10, 2025, to stay here for a whole year. This happens once in 12 years, as Jupiter’s circle around the zodiac takes 12 years. Luckily, Jupiter assists to settle an agreement and make peace with your partner. If you are not engaged, this can be the year to find your dream partner and get married within the next 12 months.
Capricorn, 2025 is a year of transformation, growth, and joy. Embrace the changes, enjoy the journey, and make the most of the opportunities that come your way. You have been waiting for this for a long time, and now you will be able to enjoy it.
Lucky you, Aquarius! The year 2025 starts with Venus in your sign, as it moved to Aquarius on December 9, 2024, to have a good time and wonderful holidays. Then, Venus will be with you until January 4, 2025. Venus moves to your financial house and value system. Again, the start of the year is important, and Venus here makes good promises to bring abundance to you in the year ahead. When Venus moves to Pisces on January 4, you will make new plans on how to increase your income or where to invest to stabilize your bank account and increase the value of your possessions.
Career and Finances
Saturn, the traditional ruler of Aquarius, was traveling in your second house of money and possessions since March 07, 2021. Saturn is a planet of restriction, responsibility, and hard work. It requires structure and devotion, and it gives us lessons in the house it stays. The good news is that Saturn will leave your second house of money on April 25, 2025. WOW! What a relief! Most of the time, when Saturn gets out of a certain house, where it pushed you to work hard and learn lessons, Saturn leaves the rewards by the door. You will find flowers, candy, baskets with gifts, possibly increased income, and financial rewards for your devotion and intense work. It will go back to Pisces, as it turns retrograde from July 13 to November 28, 2025; this can be working on old projects or finishing what you started earlier. Then, in February 2026, Saturn moves from the second house of money and goes to Aries, your 3rd house of communication, siblings, and new contracts. Saturn will not come back to the second house for the next 29 years; this is the cycle of Saturn. Again, Saturn will reward you before it gets out of the second house, accept that in 2026, your finances will increase dramatically.
Mars will be traveling retrograde in your eighth and seventh houses, partnership house, and mutual resources until February 24, 2025. After that, Mars will turn direct and stay in your eighth house until June 18, 2025. You need to work together with your partner and solve intimate and financial problems. Venus, the planet of love, will be retrograde in your second house of finances and income from March 2, 2025, to April 13, 2025. Venus retrograde prohibits making financial deals, starting a new love, borrowing money, or signing up for new financial deals! Never get married when Venus is retrograde. It is bad luck.
Love and Relationships
Mercury, the planet of communications, the one that rules the fifth house of children, love, and fun in your horoscope, it will be retrograde from March 11 to April 07, 2025. As you see, there will be a few red stops, a few blockages in the road during the first four months of the year. The good luck comes from Jupiter, the planet of abundance. It travels right now in your fifth house of love, children, and fun. It will be retrograde in the beginning of the year. Then, on February 4, Jupiter turns direct and can bring good and happy news from your children, from business deals, or from new contracts.
Health and Wellness
Take care of your physical condition, save your energy, and protect your health. No matter if you travel overseas or people from overseas visit you, eat healthy and raise your vibration to protect from flu, remember, it is important if you sleep enough and take your vitamins, then, you can feel energized and protected. Make sure you protect your health, make a lighter schedule, and consult your doctor for symptoms you have.
Personal Growth and Development
Jupiter will change signs and move to Cancer, your sixth house of work, health, and daily routine. Jupiter brings here easy and pleasant work, a new job, or new friends that can be really helpful to reach your goals. Jupiter will stay in your 6th house of health and work for the next 12 months. It is healing, it is helpful, as you can find the best doctors, programs to improve your well-being, the best sports coach, or the best job. Now, you can use Jupiter’s energy to make a new schedule, enjoy a daily routine, and leave bad habits as you start a new healthier lifestyle.
Aquarius, 2025 is a year of transformation, growth, and joy. Embrace the changes, enjoy the journey, and make the most of the opportunities that come your way. You have been waiting for this for a long time, and now you will be able to enjoy it.
Dear Pisces, the year of 2025 is definitely a year for changes and transformation, for spiritual growth. It is a year for enlightenment and dreaming, as you will feel the breeze of new development and you will not be able to stay where you are patient and hard-working for a long time. You will be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel and you will want to get out of it. No worries if you don’t know exactly where you are going and what the next move or decision will be. What is important is to follow your intuition, listen to your heart, and move out of any places, people or situations that don’t support and understand you or block your road to be happy and to grow.
Career and Finances
The year 2025 brings many changes. It takes you out of your roots, but at the same time, you are excited. Four outer planets that usually stay longer in each sign are now going to change their signs and move to new one. When heavy planets like Saturn, Neptune, Jupiter, and Uranus end their visit in certain sign, they bring shifts of priority or even a lifestyle. This year, the four of these will move out and enter new signs. Due to retrograde motions, when they retrograde, they reach again and linger at 29 degree of the previous house. When planets are lingering back and forth at 29 degree, known as an anuretic degree, it is hard to make predictions and to tell you what decision to take and in which direction to head on. It is confusing and unclear. It is also become true, as these planets are going back and forth, and before they leave and go to the next house, they go back to the previous one to finish incomplete business. We can see the result or the consequences, and we can have lights that help us get out of the darkness. This year, Saturn, then Jupiter, Neptune and Uranus, all leave the houses they traveled for the last few years.
To be more immaculate, let me explain. The planet that changes sign, when it is in the beginning first degree, it is not very helpful or articulate. In order to see clearly and make sure we are in the right direction to take decisions; the planet should reach three degree of he sign it moved. Then we will have signals or better vision, then, we can make a decision where to go and what to do. This process will be obvious in the spring of 2026.
Still, 2025 will be the year to leave the old lifestyle or the old job and take a step forward, as you feel it is unhealthy for you and you don’t stay here anymore. You know that you have to make a change or leave the old structure or partnership. It is a karmic time that is enlightening with a lot of thunderstorms, also, a light of illumination. No worries, it is important to become stronger, to make bold movements, and even if you don’t know where you will be next year, you are going to make a new brave step out of the darkness or out of an uncomfortable, unhappy situation because you are growing up, and now, you are a new person, and this process is very important.
Love and Relationships
Mars will be retrograde in your 5th house of love and children. You may have to deal with ups and downs in this sector from New Year 2025 to February 24, 2025. Then, Mars will still be in the same house until April 19 to solve the issues. Venus, the planet of love and money, will get in Pisces from January 04, 2025, to May 01, 2025, a little longer because Venus will be retrograde in your sign from March 2 to April 11, 2025. This can be a confusing and difficult time for your personal life, also, your intimacy and partnerships. Keep in mind Venus is retrograde from March 2 to April 13 and will stay in Pisces until May 01, 2025. When Venus turns direct it brings the rewards, fun and the love, it will wonderful time to develop your creative skills and to enjoy your life more.
Health and Wellness
The first part of the year is more challenging and can bring stress to you- in your home or family life. In addition to that, Venus, your planet will be retrograde in Pisces from March 2 to April 11, 2025. When Venus retrograde, as it should protect your health, now, it can be weak. For this reason you should protect your health, so you need to practice stress management and take your vitamins.
Also, we have full Moon eclipse in Pices on March 14.2025, again in your sign. It can be stressful, emotional time, as eclipses bring surprises and shocking news. From April 19 to June 10, Mars, the planet of action will be in your sixth house of health and work, you will be very busy, dear Pices. Too much work can be difficult to experience from your tender soul. Make sure you release the load from your shoulders and learn to delegate your responsibility to colleagues and peers. During this time, you will be please to sign up for gym and start new healthier life style, you can change your diet or work with nutritionist that can help you to lose weigh or make better balanced diet, good for your health and your heart.
Personal Growth and Development
You will have more happy times and more positive changes, as Saturn and Neptune get out of your sign, Pisces. Saturn started its visit in Pisces on March 07, 2021, and now it enters Aries and gets out of your sign. Wow! What a relief! Saturn is the planet of structure and hard work. It gives us lessons and builds new paths for us with a lot of responsibility. Now, it is going to leave Pisces and bring the rewards for your hard work and dedication. Neptune, your planet that rules Pisces, was with you for the last 15 years. Neptune is the planet of dreams, creativity, music, and spiritual growth. The planet of ocean and dreams now moves out of your sign and gets into Aries. You learn, grow, and are enlightened, at the same time as Neptune brings misunderstandings, you may feel confused, without direction. At the end of this process, you fulfill your mission to be educated, informed, and see the light. You believe in magic, you learn to trust your intuition, to be creative, but you also were living in the clouds or in fog, looks like you are wearing a pink glasses, because goals are still unclear—this is what Neptune does. Now your planet Neptune leaves you, and you will become more practical, and you will use all your knowledge and resources, you will see the light at the end of the tunnel. Now, you can listen to your heart to move to the new path. Neptune out of Pisces is a transit that strengthens your intuition and spiritual growth. However, it can also affect your relationship with the truth. Neptune is associated with therapy and healing. Being in your first house for 14 years, Neptune assisted with inner work, made you more compassionate, more creative, healed your old wounds, and now, you are ready to start a new chapter of your life.
Lucky you, Jupiter, the planet of good luck, moves to Cancer on June 10, 2025, and brings happiness with children, love, and fun, it will stay a whole year in your fifth house of love and pleasure and creativity. This is the same house that Mars gave you a challenging time in the first four months of the year. Jupiter also can help you to find a fun job, to enjoy your time with children, and to have more pleasure and fun.
Pisces, 2025 is a year of transformation, growth, and joy. Embrace the changes, enjoy the journey, and make the most of the opportunities that come your way. You have been waiting for this for a long time, and now you will be able to enjoy it.